Whitepaper: The Great Resignation Evolves

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reshaped our lives, leading to a major shift in the workforce known as the “Great Resignation”. Although the monthly US labor force “quit rate” has decreased since its peak of 4.5 million workers in April 2022, it remains higher than pre-pandemic levels. This prompts the question: Why is the Great Resignation evolving instead of ending?Impacts of the Pandemic Remain with UsMarch 2024 marks the fourth anniversary of the U.S. declaration

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Whitepaper: Thriving HSA Market Continues to Offer Growth Opportunities for TPAs

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which became available in 2004 as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act. The legislation also enacted Internal Revenue Code section 223, which outlines the specific medical expenses eligible for purchase with these tax-advantaged funds. The HSA market is thriving thanks in part to their rise in favor as alternative retirement savings accounts. With such an increased focus, now is the

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Changing Employer-Employee Dynamics Create New Opportunities for TPA Growth

Since the beginning of employer-employee relationships, the employer has traditionally been in control – deciding worker positions and salaries and when, where, and how long they worked. The realities of having bills to pay kept many workers in one spot for decades, even when unhappy with company management or policies. The loyalty between workers and employers in both directions has shifted dramatically since the days when companies gave out gold watches for a lifetime of service.

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Whitepaper: Updating Your Benefits Program for a Remote or Hybrid/Onsite Workforce

Benefits can determine a company’s success or failure in competing for and holding on to engaged, productive workers. Whereas employers once boasted about their health and retirement benefits, those now serve as simply the foundation for a more complex benefits program needed for remote and hybrid/onsite workers. If we learned anything from the Great Resignation of 2021-2022, it’s that employees need and are demanding more support from employers in terms of their physical, mental, emotional, and

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Whitepaper: How TPAs Can Use Specialized Business Process Outsourcing to Prepare for Growth, Improve Efficiency, and Increase Profit

The last three years have presented many unique challenges for employers and the TPAs that provide their tax-advantaged, post-tax, and compliance account administration. The pandemic has altered routine business patterns, making it harder for TPAs to plan for ebbs and flows in daily operations and prepare for growth. Controlling costs is even more critical. Yet providing high-quality customer service is more important than ever for business health and growth.Fortunately, TPAs can conquer all of these

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Whitepaper: Getting Creative in a Post-Pandemic Enrollment Season

Always an intense and stressful time for brokers, TPAs, and employers alike, enrollment season for the 2023 plan year promises to be even more so. As COVID-19 gradually transitions from pandemic to endemic, its impact on Americans cannot be denied. By mid-2022, more than 90 million had contracted COVID-19, with over a million confirmed deaths. How can we successfully address the past two years’ influence on our workplaces and workforce? It will take more than

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Whitepaper: How Digital Healthcare and Advancing Technology Are Having an Impact on Employee Benefits

Consumer-directed healthcare (CDH) accounts were created to engage consumers more directly in making healthcare decisions and choosing how, when, and where to spend their healthcare dollars. However, the direction of tax-advantaged CDH accounts has been changing in the face of evolving technologies, shifting economic conditions, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Where might they be headed over the next several years?As the coronavirus moves steadily toward endemic status, we are finding more ways that the pandemic has

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Whitepaper: Lifestyle Spending Accounts – Giving New Meaning to ‘Flexible’ Benefits

American companies are looking for every possible advantage to recruit and retain top-quality employees in a dramatically changed workplace. Many are finding new value in Lifestyle Spending Accounts. Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic reached the U.S., life is gradually returning to some level of normal. The workplace, however, has changed immensely and, many believe, permanently. It’s now a job hunter’s market, with record numbers of job openings and workers far more likely to change

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Whitepaper: How Has the Pandemic Impacted Employee Benefit Strategies?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of our lives. While the most prominent impact was an almost immediate quarantine and vast expansion of employees working from home, another significant consequence is how much the pandemic shook employees’ sense of security. Many businesses faced major revenue shortfalls and responded with cost-cutting measures, including layoffs and furloughs. Consequently, many Americans lost their sense of security regarding their jobs, economic standing, and overall health. As we

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