The Value of a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account

View the infographic below to discover the value of consumer-directed healthcare accounts. The graphic features an overview of HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs, along with other helpful information. What is a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account? A consumer-directed healthcare account is a type of medical savings account that: CDH Account Types 1. Health Savings Account (HSA) The participant owns the HSA, which acts like a regular bank account. Money deposited into the account pays for eligible healthcare

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Infographic: Open Enrollment Checklist

Facts, Figures & Tips for a Successful Enrollment Process.
The following infographic provides an overview of facts, figures and tips for employers to have a successful open enrollment process.

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Benefits That Attract and Retain Millennials

This is the third in a four-part series on building benefits packages to resonate with the diverse generations in today’s workforce. Today, we focus on effective strategies and engagement recommendations for Millennials. Generation Y, more commonly called Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1996. Millennials experienced rapid technological changes and grew up in an era of Microsoft and Apple, a 24-hour news cycle, and the rise of social media. In their formative years, they witnessed

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BenefitsPRO article features DataPath CMO on using benefit accounts to support the work-life relationship

Considering the vital role of the work-life relationship in worker effectiveness, wellbeing, and long-term commitment, employers, brokers and TPAs should prioritize it across all facets of their operations, including their benefits programs. August 2, 2023 By Bo Armstrong Originally posted on Employees who struggle to balance their work and personal lives can suffer from health issues, poor job satisfaction, exhaustion, burnout, and problematic behavior on the job. Despite 72 percent of Statista survey respondents acknowledging the importance of

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Whitepaper: Updating Your Benefits Program for a Remote or Hybrid/Onsite Workforce

Benefits can determine a company’s success or failure in competing for and holding on to engaged, productive workers. Whereas employers once boasted about their health and retirement benefits, those now serve as simply the foundation for a more complex benefits program needed for remote and hybrid/onsite workers. If we learned anything from the Great Resignation of 2021-2022, it’s that employees need and are demanding more support from employers in terms of their physical, mental, emotional, and

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What is a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan?

A Section 125 Cafeteria Plan is an employer-sponsored benefits program that lets employees pay for certain qualified medical expenses, such as health insurance premiums, on a pre-tax basis. It’s called a “cafeteria plan” because, like the dining options at a cafeteria, employees can pick and choose the healthcare options they want, such as medical, dental, vision, and other benefits, while declining ones they don’t. It’s important to note that a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan does

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IRS Confirms Claim Substantiation Requirements

In a recent memorandum (TAM 202317020) from the Office of Chief Counsel, the IRS addressed claims substantiation requirements for reimbursement of medical and dependent care expenses from FSA accounts. The memo also described the tax consequences of not complying with claims substantiation requirements. This memo is vital for FSA administrators because it confirms the IRS’s position that ALL medical and dependent care claims must be substantiated in order to avoid major tax penalties resulting from

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Summer Camps and DCFSAs

Parents look for camps to keep their little ones busy as the school year winds down. Did you know that parents can use their pre-tax Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (DCFSAs) to pay for some summer camps? Summer Camp Costs There are numerous options for children’s summer activities, including various age-appropriate, themed experiences and durations. For camps with significant academic components or more complex themes (usually targeted at older children), fees tend to be higher.

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Healthcare Consumerism Continues to Rise

Healthcare consumerism is a movement to make healthcare services more efficient and cost-effective. It transforms an employer’s health benefit plan, putting the economic purchasing power and decision-making in participants’ hands. Consumerism aims to enable patients to become wholly involved in their healthcare decisions. What drives healthcare consumerism? Customers can access features, benefits, and cost comparisons in most industries to guide their purchasing decisions. In contrast, the healthcare industry presents many choices, contact points, and service

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Millennials, HDHPs and HSAs

Popular with Millennials, HDHPs paired with HSAs can help employers improve employee satisfaction with healthcare benefits. Millennials are Embracing HDHPs Millennials are active supporters of consumer-directed healthcare. Now in their late 20s through early 40s, they tend to be healthier than their older workforce peers (Gen X and Baby Boomer generations) and, on average, spend less on healthcare costs. Nearly half of Millennials who are eligible for an HSA through their employer are adopting one.

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