Halloween Health and CDH Accounts

Halloween is a favorite time of year for some, from decorations to pumpkin carving to dressing up. However, it can also be a time of pumpkin carving cuts, bumps and bruises, sprains, and even broken bones from tripping over costumes. Let’s talk about staying safe, Halloween health, and your CDH accounts. Some of the reasons why Halloween is so scary Halloween is undoubtedly fun, but dangers are lurking and parents need to be vigilant. Children’s

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9 Ways to Spend Down Your FSA Funds

Your FSA plan may have a provision that the balance forfeits to your employer if you don’t spend down all your funds by the end of the plan year. Other plans allow you to carry up to a certain amount of leftover funds to the next plan year. Don’t know which type of plan you have? Ask your HR or benefits administrator ~ and check out these 9 ways to use up any leftover FSA

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What’s the Right Amount for my FSA?

With the popularity of flexible spending accounts on the rise, participants want to know, “What’s the right amount to put in my FSA?” Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are fast becoming one of the most popular employer-sponsored benefits in the United States. In their latest market review, the Aite-Novarica Group estimated 32.6 million FSA accounts in force in 2022. Why are FSAs popular? According to FSAFEDs.com, the official FSA website for federal employees, taking advantage of

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Inflation Reduction Act May Impact Employer-Sponsored Health Plans

President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law on August 16, 2022. Among other provisions, the IRA: Here’s how the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) expects the IRA to impact employer-sponsored group health plans. ACA Subsidies Extended to 2025 The American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARPA) expanded access to premium tax credits (PTCs) that subsidize the purchase of health insurance on the ACA marketplace. The IRA extends those subsidies through 2025. According

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Help Avoid Travel Stress with FSA, HSA, and LSA Eligible Purchases

Experts predicted that travel would be hectic this summer and fall, and boy, they weren’t kidding. Whether vacationing or resuming business travel, you’ve had to deal with high gas prices and delayed, if not entirely canceled flights, among other stressful issues. Check out these FSA, HSA, and LSA eligible expenses that can help ease travel stress. 1. Pack Those Medications Do you have enough prescription medication with you to treat existing conditions if you get

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Use Your FSA to Stock Up On Back-To-School Supplies

The annual school supplies shopping trip can be an expensive endeavor. Did you know that some items commonly found on classroom supply lists are eligible for FSA accounts? Read on to learn more. FSA for Back-to-School Basic first-aid supplies and COVID-related PPE, including masks and hand sanitizer, are on many back-to-school supply lists this year. These are eligible for purchase with FSA funds. Many families also use back-to-school shopping time to buy over-the-counter medications that

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Lowering the Obstacles to Successful FSA Usage

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are the oldest tax-advantaged healthcare spending account currently available and by far the most common. Yet many workers still don’t feel they really understand them. That’s borne out by the relatively low adoption rate at many companies, despite tax savings as high as 40% on the funds set aside. Plus, despite the Carryover option, a significant number of account holders still experience a loss of at least some unspent funds at

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Sleep and the Workplace: An Ultimate Guide

According to the National Institutes of Health, 1 in 3 Americans does not get enough sleep. This can lead to significant health issues as well as problems with workplace performance. Sleep Recommendations Adults age 18 and up should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. For those who have trouble doing that, the CDC has some recommendations: Common Causes of Sleep Problems There are a number of causes for sleep problems. Some

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Benefits Debit Cards: More Convenience for Everyone

Linking tax-advantaged benefits accounts such as FSAs and HSAs to benefits debit cards is more convenient for everyone concerned. Employees are able to make eligible purchases without having to front the expense, file a claim, and wait for a reimbursement. Employers and TPAs usually do not have to manually process a claim due to the automated substantiation processes that govern most benefits debit cards. So, let’s learn more about how benefits debit cards offer more

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Can I have an HSA and FSA account at the same time?

If your employer offers both Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), you may be wondering if it’s possible to have both an HSA and an FSA account at the same time. HSA/FSA Accounts If you are enrolled in an HSA-eligible health plan, you can enroll in an HSA account as long as you aren’t also enrolled in Medicare or have some other, disqualifying coverage. Traditional FSA accounts cover most of the same

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