What is an FSA or LPFSA?
…payments, and that list doesn’t often change. For example, in 2011, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and medications were made ineligible as a move by Congress to help fund the Affordable Care…
…payments, and that list doesn’t often change. For example, in 2011, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and medications were made ineligible as a move by Congress to help fund the Affordable Care…
…can change as often as your circumstances change Employers can contribute to your account However, not all employers offer a 401(k) program, so this option may not be available for…
…FSA Carryover). Also, unused FSA balances may be forfeited if employment status changes. Cafeteria plans can be a cost-effective benefits strategy for employers. They help businesses save money while keeping…
…contractual obligation with the SHOP exchange to pay all applicable COBRA premiums to the exchange; and (iv) the employer would have received the State mini-COBRA premiums directly from AEIs were…
…TPA’s workflow. When a comprehensive platform utilizes a singular record, there is no need to ensure each change is updated in multiple places. A change on the CDH side saves…
…requirements, COBRA is perhaps the most challenging benefit to manage. With our straightforward, all-in-one platform, you’ll be on top of status changes and current on key compliance dates, including communications,…
…Status Changes In addition to determining current needs, workforce demographics should be explored. Are a significant number of workers nearing 65? They will become eligible for Medicare at that age,…
…quarter later? Have any participants had a mid-year status change necessitating an adjustment to their consumer-directed healthcare accounts? Have employers planned any layoffs that will need COBRA support? Periodically checking in with employers to identify…
…change depending on an updated coverage status, due to marriage, divorce, new child, etc. How to Correct HSA Excess Contributions As mentioned, the IRS provides two ways of correcting over-contributions….
…reduction in hours, change in employment status, death of the covered employee, divorce or separation from the covered employee, among other events. To be eligible for the ARRA subsidy, AEI’s…