Women’s Heart Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women – but despite the launch of numerous awareness initiatives, barely half understand the risks. Let’s look at what heart disease is and what we (especially women) can do about it. Heart Disease Basics “Heart disease” includes a variety of conditions that affect the heart structure and how it functions. Coronary artery disease, the most common, occurs

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HSAs and Workplace Wellness

Companies looking to reduce health plan costs while maximizing employee quality of life may want to consider coupling a workplace wellness program with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA). Workplace Wellness Programs  Wellness programs help employees become healthier as well as better consumers of healthcare in three ways: Employers may offer wellness initiatives to help employees make better lifestyle choices and improve their health. But cost control may also be

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HDHPs and Wellness Programs

According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the average premium for family health plan coverage increased by 47% between 2011 and 2021. In response, employers have increasingly turned to High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) to lower premiums and shift more financial responsibility to covered employees. While employees appreciate lower premium costs, the higher deductibles can lead to higher out-of-pocket costs in the long run. The higher financial responsibility may increase employee utilization of cost-saving measures like wellness programs.

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Heart Health in Women

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both African American and Caucasian women. Despite the launch of numerous awareness initiatives, only a little more than half of women understand the risks. With understanding comes preventative measures. So let’s look at what heart disease is and what we (especially women) can do about it. What is heart disease? “Heart disease” includes a variety of conditions

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How the Pandemic Changed Benefits Strategies

Employee benefit strategies have been changing rapidly for years, to adapt to evolving work environments. Then, as Americans navigated the pandemic, there were even more levels of complexity. The almost immediate quarantine and shift in work environments shook our sense of security; not just of job security but of financial security and health security as well. As part of that, it has become evident that the pandemic has changed the way both employers and employees

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