What is the PCORI fee?

Two significant drivers in healthcare cost escalation have always been the lack of consumer knowledge about medical procedure cost and the lack of patient engagement in healthcare decisions. Thanks to healthcare consumerism, this is starting to change. Healthcare consumerism is a movement to improve the quality of healthcare services while making delivery more efficient and cost-effective. It aims to accomplish this goal by putting purchasing power and decision-making in the hands of consumers. Agencies providing resources

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Cadillac Tax Repealed, PCORI Extended Under New Spending Bill

The controversial Cadillac Tax has been permanently repealed. In December 2019, President Trump signed into law an appropriations bill for 2020 that, among other things, repealed the Cadillac Tax and extended PCORI. The Cadillac Tax, which had never gone into effect, was unpopular with both major parties, labor unions, and benefits organizations. Bipartisan support After several years of delays, the move to repeal the unpopular tax began in July 2019, with the “Middle Class Health

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