Boost Employee Productivity by Respecting Physical and Mental Wellbeing

The pandemic has changed so many areas of life, including the way we work. Without warning, millions of Americans found themselves working remotely, becoming teachers at home, and having to isolate from colleagues and friends. The isolation and lack of camaraderie affected people differently. As employers begin to reopen offices, how can they keep employees productive while also respecting their physical and mental wellbeing? What challenges are employers facing to keep employees productive? As we

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Whitepaper: How Has the Pandemic Impacted Employee Benefit Strategies?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of our lives. While the most prominent impact was an almost immediate quarantine and vast expansion of employees working from home, another significant consequence is how much the pandemic shook employees’ sense of security. Many businesses faced major revenue shortfalls and responded with cost-cutting measures, including layoffs and furloughs. Consequently, many Americans lost their sense of security regarding their jobs, economic standing, and overall health. As we

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How the Pandemic Changed Benefits Strategies

Employee benefit strategies have been changing rapidly for years, to adapt to evolving work environments. Then, as Americans navigated the pandemic, there were even more levels of complexity. The almost immediate quarantine and shift in work environments shook our sense of security; not just of job security but of financial security and health security as well. As part of that, it has become evident that the pandemic has changed the way both employers and employees

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Emergency Savings Accounts Boost Employee Financial Wellness

For many employees, the COVID-19 pandemic has added financial stress that can harm their ability to stay motivated and productive in their jobs. Employers can help ease the burden by including emergency savings accounts (ESAs) in their benefits package. ESAs are funded by employees through automatic payroll deductions, just as they do with healthcare spending and retirement accounts. Unlike those other accounts, however, ESA contributions are made post-tax. How well are Americans saving for their

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