Dependent Care FSA vs. Dependent Care Tax Credit: Which is Best?

Families with young children can face enormous childcare costs. It’s not uncommon for daycare fees to add up to one of the family’s largest recurring expenses each month. Fortunately, there are several ways to offset a portion of childcare expenses, including Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts ( DCFSA ), also known as Dependent Care Assistance Programs (DCAP), and the Dependent Care Tax Credit. Dependent Care FSA The DCFSA does for childcare expenses what the Healthcare

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IRS Issues More ARPA Guidance on Premium Assistance for COBRA

On July 26, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2021-46, which provides further guidance on premium assistance for COBRA continuation coverage under ARPA. Topics covered include extended coverage periods, dental and vision coverage, state continuation, and who may claim the COBRA Premium Assistance credit.

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IRS Clarifies ARPA COBRA Premium Assistance – FAQs and Answers

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently published Notice 2021-31, with an extensive list of clarifications for the COBRA subsidy approved by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Subjects addressed in the Notice include Assistance Eligible Individuals (AEIs), involuntary termination of employment, furloughs, coverages eligible for the subsidy, and much more. The following questions and answers highlight frequently asked questions. This article is not intended as legal advice. Please contact your qualified benefits counsel if you

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ARRA vs ARPA: Comparing COBRA Subsidies and Administrative Challenges

In the world of employer-sponsored benefits, COBRA subsidies have been the hot topic since the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) passed in March 2021. Not only does ARPA directly affect people who have lost their jobs since March 2020, but it also has a significant impact on how employers and COBRA administrators are handling the surge in COBRA eligibility over the past year. ARPA has drawn comparisons to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

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ARPA COBRA Subsidy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

On Thursday, March 11, President Biden signed the  American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. Among other features, ARPA provides full COBRA subsidies under specific circumstances and creates significant additional COBRA enrollment eligibility. The following is a list of common ARPA COBRA subsidy frequently asked questions (FAQs). This is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact your benefits counsel if you need additional guidance. ARPA COBRA Subsidy FAQs Are all COBRA-standard Qualifying Events (QEs) eligible

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ARPA is Approved: COBRA Subsidies and DCAP Increase Part of Legislation

President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 into law on Thursday, March 11, 2021. In addition to stimulus checks and child tax credits, ARPA features full COBRA subsidies for a limited time and an increase in the maximum contribution limits for people who use Dependent Care Assistance Plans (DCAP) through their employer. Learn more below. COBRA Subsidies Under ARPA Under very specific circumstances, the ARPA legislation provides full COBRA subsidies from

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